Pure & Present

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Mainstream Disguise, Mainstream Strife, Everything Mainstream but Your Life

Humans do not fit into neat square boxes but the fear from deviating from the ‘norm’ can run deep for some of us. We are complex, different, and have idiosyncrasies that can drive each other mad. But that is what makes us unique. It makes us beautiful to be different from one another.

Our ‘image’ is typically established as children with our parents massaging and guiding that image into something palatable for their social circle and beyond. And as we develop into adults, we remain shackled to this ‘acceptable image.’ This ‘acceptable image’ is how we relate to others; we have ‘commonalities’ we can share. We also have similar strife’s: politics, religion, wealth, success etc. and we tend to bond over our commonalities and strife’s. But bonding over things that are not innately you, for the sake of fitting in, can cause discord within yourself.

This ‘acceptable image’ is what I call a mainstream disguise and this mainstream disguise can keep you trapped. Trapped in a life that does not align with your true essence. If you remain chained to this ‘acceptable image,’ how can you evolve into the person you were meant to be? Deviating from the norm will always raise eyebrows as people are not use to someone who is not trying to fit in. And instead of clapping for you they generally become judgmental. But keep in mind most people are not ‘evaluating’ their life; they are running through the motions on autopilot just trying to exist. Exist in a world that has defined this neat box of acceptability.

If most people are not evaluating their lives, why does it matter what they think about yours?

There will always be critics no matter how kind you are, how giving you are, how quiet you are, how loud you are, how friendly you are, how rude you are, how different you are and even if you fit in. So again, why does it matter what other people think?

Deviating from this ‘acceptable image’ might be unsettling to some but YOU can find happiness and freedom in discovering who you are, what is meaningful for you, your interests, what gives you purpose and what inspires you.
Recreate yourself. Learn something new. Create new habits. Try a new routine. Do something unpredictable. Meet new people. There are so many options to discovering who you are meant to be that the possibilities are endless. You can evolve. Evolve into a well-rounded individual with new thoughts, new behaviors, and a new way of living your life.

Unchain yourself from this image and step out of the rat race that everyone else is vying for--AM I MORE ACCEPTABLE THAN THE NEXT--and step into your own lane. You will always win in your own lane as the only person you are competing with is the person you were yesterday.

For clarity I am advocating for you finding out what energizes you and what makes you tick. And let this become your new image. Not the image someone else created for you or the image for which you were conditioned.

As always, give voice to your thoughts below!