Earth’s RideShare-We are just along for the ride

Person Looking Up at the Milky Way Galaxy, Peace Love and Happy, Pure & Present

In the immensity of time, we are only here for a fraction of Earth’s life. Thus, our existence is only on this planet for a fraction of a second. If we look at our lives from this lens does your life and what you are doing resonate differently for you?

The things you worry about, the things you are fearful of, the things you are frantic about, the things you are angry at, the things that torment you, the things that make you feel like you are on the precipice of hell—will they matter tomorrow, a year or five years from now?

A situation without thoughts is just a situation. Your thoughts about the situation are what creates your feelings. Being aware of how you feel in the moment is important. Your feelings send you signals of what ignites you and what does not. But you should also be mindful that your feelings ALWAYS pass. They are temporary and thus should be used as guides. Knowing this, would you continue to dwell over something that is not going to matter in the future or would you rather navigate to things that bring joy.

Entertaining things, ideas, connections, and people that do not serve you is a waste of ‘your fraction of a second.’ Lending credence to negative thoughts and feelings is a waste of ‘your fraction of a second.’Our existence is finite and who and what you spend your time on and give your energy to is paramount to your quality of life.

Surround yourself with people who inspire you

Who respect and embrace your differences, who help you when you need help and who love you even when you are trying their patience. Find things that make you happy; first winter snow, time at the beach, tasty food, biking, hiking, watching the sunset. Open yourself to the abundance of possibilities that life has to offer; creating a new reality, realized potential, living your dreams, and embracing change.

Choosing not to change is choosing to stay committed to right where you are. And if you are choosing to stay committed to your current life offerings and existence and this brings you happiness. Clap Clap. You have arrived to where many of us hope to be. But if you are unfulfilled in some way, it is time to remove the chains of mediocrity and propel yourself to a new reality.

STOP settling. Settling for the tolerable relationships, jobs, people, and activities. This is where your comfort zone is and where you feel safe. But settling will keep you stuck, and your passions will continue to thrive only in your imagination. The things you imagine could be your new reality with mental clarity and focus. Curate your life, the people, relationships, jobs, activities, in a way that ignites you and gives you purpose. This is how you find fulfillment, joy, and happiness. Each day is a new day and hence a new beginning to create a new reality.

The earth will keep evolving with or without us. We are just here for the ride. So how do you want to spend your ‘fraction of a second’ on this planet? Give voice to your thoughts below!


Mainstream Disguise, Mainstream Strife, Everything Mainstream but Your Life