
Evolve the way you think. Evolve the way you live your life. Evolve to a new you.


Raye Raye

What is Your Legacy?

The energy you put into this world is the energy you receive back. If you want to attract positive things into your life, you need to be a source of positive energy yourself. When you are optimistic, grateful, and joyful, you radiate a high-frequency vibration that aligns with the same frequency of the universe. You become a magnet for opportunities, synchronicities, and miracles. You also attract people who share your positive outlook and support your growth.

Optimistic grateful joyful and radiate allows for a person worth remembering

WHY are you struggling when you don’t have to? Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have it all, while others struggle to get by? Why some people attract love, happiness, and success, while others repel them? The answer is simple: BIG ENERGY (in the name of Beyonce). The energy you put into this world is the energy you receive back. If you want to attract positive things into your life, you need to be a source of positive energy yourself. That’s the only way it works.

When you are optimistic, grateful, and joyful, you radiate a high-frequency vibration that aligns with the same frequency of the universe. You become a magnet for opportunities, synchronicities, and miracles. You also attract people who share your positive outlook and support your growth. On the other hand, when you are pessimistic, resentful, and miserable, you emit a low-frequency vibration that attracts more negativity and challenges. You also repel people who could otherwise enrich your life. So, let’s leave those negative vibes behind.

Let gratitude be a force of nature like El Niño. When you focus on what you have, rather than what you lack, you activate the law of attraction. You acknowledge the abundance that already exists in your life and invite more of it. You also develop a mindset of gratitude and generosity that makes you happier and more fulfilled. On the other hand, when you focus on what you don't have you create a scarcity mentality. You feel like there is never enough and that you have to compete for everything. You also develop a mindset of fear and greed that makes you unhappy and dissatisfied. And it deserves reiteration that this mindset REPELS people. So, let’s focus on abundance instead.

Valuing oneself is another crucial aspect of BIG ENERGY. People often seek value in others; it’s human nature. So, when you value yourself, you attract people who value you too. You respect yourself, set healthy boundaries, and express your needs and desires. You also respect others, appreciate their differences, and support their goals. You create meaningful relationships based on mutual trust, understanding, and love. Contrarily, when you don't value yourself, you attract people who DO NOT value you either. You disrespect yourself, let others cross your limits, and suppress your feelings and opinions. You also disrespect others, judge their choices, and undermine their achievements. You create toxic relationships based on manipulation, conflict, and resentment. And if it’s not obvious yet, this REPELS people.

By pursuing your passions, you align with your purpose and potential. You feel inspired, motivated, and fulfilled by doing what you love and making a positive impact. You also inspire others to follow their dreams and make a difference. You create a legacy of excellence and contribution. On the other hand, when you neglect your passions, you disconnect from your inner essence and potential. You feel bored, frustrated, and dissatisfied by doing what you don't love and making no impact. You also discourage others from pursuing their passions and making a difference. You create a legacy of mediocrity and indifference.

Finally, recognizing our worth beyond material possessions cultivates inner peace and happiness. You realize that your true value comes from who you are, not what you have or do. You also appreciate the intangible things that make life meaningful, such as love, joy, wisdom, and spirituality. You create a life of harmony and fulfillment. On the other hand, when you base your worth on material things, you create inner turmoil and unhappiness. You believe that your value depends on what you have or do, not who you are. You also neglect the intangible things that make life meaningful, such as love, joy, wisdom, and spirituality and this leads to a life of chaos and emptiness.

By being the BIG ENERGY you want to attract it’s not only possible but essential for living a happy and successful life. By radiating positivity, abundance, value, passion, and worth, you attract more of the same into your life. You also become a source of inspiration and empowerment for others who want to do the same. Who doesn’t want that legacy ;o)?

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Raye Raye

Embrace the Power of No and Yes

Learning how to use the words yes and no can have a huge impact on your well-being and happiness. The words yes and no are powerful tools that can help communicate your needs, values, and limits to others and yourself. They can also help align you align your actions with your goals and passions and create more space for the things that matter to you. By saying yes to the things that energize you and no to the things that drain you, you can create a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Women embracing their voice and authenticity

Say no to the bullshit that has you over analyzing and overthinking for days or even hours.

Say no to toxic individuals who don’t value and inspire you.

Say no to indulging in thoughts, people and places not meant for you.

Say no to the draining influence of angry people who provoke you and stir up negative vibes.

Say no to the void you feel after watching TV or scrolling social media with content that doesn’t enrich your life.

Say no to self-limiting beliefs.

Say no to the habits that keep you stuck in mediocrity.

Say no to burnout and overextending yourself.

Say no to selfish and arrogant people.

Say no to being stagnate.

Say no to resting on your laurels.

Say no to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Say no to the fear of failure.

Say yes to flourishing from your failures.

Say yes to embracing your most authentic life.

Say yes to prioritizing self-care.

Say yes to taking charge and being proactive.

Say yes to accepting your flaws, for they make you unique.

Say yes to cultivating courage, accepting others, and surrendering to things outside of your control.

Say yes to embracing change.

Say yes to ascending to a new mindset.

Say yes to pursuing opportunities and securing financial abundance.

Say yes to unleashing your creativity and learning new things.

Say yes to establishing healthy boundaries.

Say yes to new setting new intentions and manifesting the things you desire.

Say yes to motivating yourself to grow and improve.

Say yes to guarding your time and energy.

Say yes to people, places and things that uplift you and your spirituality.

Say yes to making vision boards that show the potential that resides in you.

Say yes to journaling your feelings and your day.

Say yes to practicing kindness, helping others, and demonstrating gratitude.

Say yes to laughing often and spreading joy.

Say yes to embracing the power of forgiveness and extending grace to others.

Say yes to the people that cheer loudly for you.

Say yes to people, places and things that meet the magnitude of your frequency.

Say yes to loving yourself and others.

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Raye Raye

Time to Open the Door to Discomfort

Tired yet? Tired of your situation, your habits, your daily routine? Tired of being unfit, your relationship or your job? Have you had multiple days where you are annoyed, stressed, moody or just downright bored? I would ask what have you done to change your circumstances? Nothing maybe--you just keep scrolling your feed on Insta or TikTok. Maybe watch a Netflix movie. Or fuck it all together and just take a nap.

Change in your life cannot happen when you are comfortable with the status quo. If you find yourself annoyed, stressed, or having other unwanted feelings (often) then you should strive to change your circumstances. If there is no desire or willingness to change then you will remain right where you are--in the same situations, routine, relationships, job etc. until you decide it is time to evolve.

And I get it, change requires effort. It requires us to be uncomfortable. Hence, we often avoid making the leap to change. We enjoy our comfort. We enjoy the depth of that comfort because it is predictable. It’s SAFE. But in that comfort lies repetition. You get to live the rest of your life on repeat. Have you ever written down what your day is like? Week? Month? See any trends?

You will get to experience that annoyance, stress, moodiness, or boredom until you decide to evolve. Where will you end up if you decide not to change? How will your life unfold?

There is greatness behind the dark corners of discomfort. Discomfort propels us. While making a change may be uncomfortable you can transform your life in a progressive way. The leap can alter your life significantly depending on the circumstances. Deciding to move forward and change requires a mind shift. Your desire to achieve your goal must be stronger than your desire to stay right where you are.

This mind shift requires proactiveness. It requires you to push past the resistance and laziness. This can be quite daunting for some people, and others are just not up for it because they aren’t tired of their own bullshit yet.

Let the idea of wanting your life to unfold differently propel you. Let this be your motivation for change. The motivation must come from within you. If your motivation is from an outside source, it will not last because it is not your own. You do not truly possess the desire. You looked to someone else who DID have the desire and decided ‘yeah, that sounds good, or I can do that.’ As soon as that source is no longer a source will you continue to move forward with your change? Internal motivation is a driver for change. YOU must want this. You must want a different plan and a different life for yourself. No one else can do this for you. Can others inspire you? Sure! Can you get motivated with others? Absolutely! But the idea to change must come from within you; otherwise, your commitment will be gone as soon as that source for motivation is gone.

True motivation lies within you. Surround yourself with those who are living out the things you want to achieve. This will further your will to change.

I am on a path to seek adventure. I want to paraglide (with an instructor and at the lowest altitude), ride a motorcycle along the coast, go white water rafting, bungee jumping in Bali, walk the Camino de Santiago with my friend (although I told her I am only willing to do half of it). I want this adventure in my life, but my life will not unfold this way unless I’m driven enough to make the change.


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Squaremuse Team Squaremuse Team

What happened to the life that was stolen from You?

You let society tell you how you should feel, while your acceptance is conditional based on how they feel.

You take a narrative that was never truly your own and embed it as part of your beliefs and now it is part of your soul.

You are the ‘victim’ of a path that was decided for you. Yet you never sought a path to write and call your own.

You let your thoughts dictate who you are. Oblivious that you are a perceiver and not the receiver of the thoughts that tear at your heart.

You boost your confidence with high-status products. But it eludes you that these things restore your fragile ego and signal who you want to be and where you want to belong.

Your love for someone is conditional based on their ability to meet your undying needs. When the love you seek from someone else is yet to be sought within yourself.

You compare yourself to those on social media who often share their highlight reels. Your sense of self-worth now cracks and lacks the definition of value and appeal.

Your image portrayed to others is not who you are. But you are malleable and bespoke just like a child whose mind is not yet woke.

You flood the ears to anyone who will hear your sorrows. Your suffering never ends, your mind is never hollow.

You are defensive with others neglecting the accountability you hold. Your refusal to acknowledge the hurt, worry, fear and shame depletes your energy and depletes their soul.

Woman on the Grassland Looking into the Gloomy Sky, Love and Wellness, Pure & Present

Each one of these scenarios is a common theme in our daily lives. If any of these scenarios resonate with you because they have played out in your life. Then you relinquished control and gave your power to others and your emotions which subsequently altered your behavior. Thus, your roots require more nourishment so that you can be able to withstand the shared challenges of daily life.

You should strive to achieve higher awareness of who you are. Strive to abandon self-destructive patterns/behaviors. Strive to leave fear and worry behind. Strive to detox or let go of people or things that do not serve you. The choices you make create every aspect of your life. You have the power to make new choices.

I encourage you to take a deep look at who you are, what you want and where you would like to be in this place called life. Find things that are useful, for you, that help you feel empowered and move your life in a positive direction. A particularly good first step is journaling. Write down what makes you feel good. And then PRIORITIZE these things. If you can see the things that bring you joy, then subsequently you will learn naturally how to follow that joy.

Your priority should be YOU. You should take care of yourself from a mental, physical, and social space.Everyday. We cannot dodge the everyday challenges that occur, but we can equip ourselves mentally to be able to manage them better and thus contribute to our inner peace.

You are the only person that gets to spend the most time with YOU. You deserve a peaceful, joyous, and fulfilling life. Honor yourself by making the commitment to make YOU the much-needed priority in your life.

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Squaremuse Team Squaremuse Team

Rewrite your blueprint for life

Before we are born our lives have been prescribed for us with such keen instructions. 

Go to school, get good grades, and choose a profession that is sure to help you achieve financial success- shall I say, doctor, lawyer, broker, engineer. After you complete school find a spouse, buy a house, and raise 2.5 kids together- oh and live happily ever after for the rest.of. your. life.

This guidance on how to live a good life has been passed down for GENERATIONS. And most of us abide by these rules- Why? Because it’s too risky otherwise when a ‘blueprint’ for life outside of the norm has not been ‘drafted’. If we take a closer look at history some of the most notable figures didn’t follow the traditional blueprint-they decided to color outside the lines to achieve ‘success’. 

Following the traditional blueprint for most is a sure bet--“I can’t fail” if I follow this path. 

But I ask how can someone teach you a flourishing life when their minds have been enslaved to the same narrative for years. 

I do not recall consciously accepting this blueprint. I was conditioned and influenced by this defined logic. 

Dare we question this logic? We should…

We have defined our lives and judge others by what we do and how many dollars occupy our accounts. Did you go to college? What college? Where do you live? What kind of car do you drive? And the most interesting part is that we want to appear as if we have it all together. We feed into this outdated narrative that we must have the money, the cars, the looks, the house to feel accepted. If these possessions gave us any glimmer of happiness, then depression would not be at an all-time high. Studies have shown that happiness does not increase that much based on material wealth. 

We should question the system that has persuaded us to believe that following our own life path does not equate to a ‘good life’. Says who? People who do not continue to expand their minds after college? People who rarely read books and refuse to learn from others? People who are stuck in time and a mindset based on when they were raised? People whose subconscious is so persuaded by the narrative that it is part of their beliefs? People who surround themselves with like-minded people so they can never be scrutinized?

I question this path. Why follow a path that does not lead to a flourishing life for YOU. If the accepted path does allow you to flourish, continue onward. But if you are not feeling rewarded, enlightened, joyful, or happy you should redefine what is right for you. 

When you share your new path with those conditioned by the ‘accepted’ path there might be silence in the room, around the table, on the phone or via email. March Forward. Those individuals do not get to live your life so why should they define it? 

Life is short and the last time I checked was temporary. Time is a resource. You only get so much time on this earth to live your best life and create the story of your life as you meant it to be.

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Squaremuse Team Squaremuse Team

The Quandary of the Daily Routine

Ohhh the humdrum life of the daily routine. The sun rises–we rise. We eat breakfast (for some this is the same entree everyday), we get dressed, go to work (drive in or go to home office). End our work day and start our evening. Make dinner, watch TV, read a book, play video games, scroll social media(whatever it is you fancy doing), then go to bed. Rinse. Repeat. Every.Single Day–this is boring btw.

NOW there may be times we interrupt this monotonous routine to hang out with friends or family, catch a game, go to the beach, or amusement park or take a vacation. But most of the time we are living in the colorless routine we have mastered. Our daily routines help us, but they also keep us stuck.

People who practice being happy typically have a daily routine. They practice gratitude, mindfulness, and meditation on a daily if not frequent basis. People who are determined to reach their health goals(lose weight, gain muscles, stay just as I am) have routines to help them, people who want to learn anew language or trade have routines. People who want to accomplish something stick to a routine to help them achieve their goals. PERIOD. This is the ‘good’ part of routines; they help us accomplish what we desire. This can improve our mood as we navigate through the journey and see positive results from our efforts.

Routines can also keep us stuck.

That is, we are not putting much thought into our activities, we are just living on autopilot. I googled how many thoughts we have per day (honestly, I feel like I have more than I care for). Google told me we have 12,000-70,000 (give or take) thoughts per day. Geez. I also read that 80% of those thoughts are negative and 95% were exactly the same thoughts as the day before. These repetitive thoughts are from those ROUTINES we live by.

Routines have their place, and they are important to our well-being (goals here). But if you want to have different experiences which lead to different feelings you must change your routine. I personally like experiencing new things and new people. Why? Because experiences lead to different feelings and new people lead to different perspectives (those that differ from mine). When we have the exact same routine every single day, we have the same repetitive thoughts which leads to the same choices and behaviors. You cannot experience an ‘exciting’ life if you are doing, thinking, and behaving the same way every day. Have you noticed that your emotions do not fluctuate much with your daily routine? They cannot! Your activity remains unchanged and thus, your brain activity remains...unchanged. These habitual behaviors keep us stuck, stuck thinking the same, doing the same, and feeling...the same. And if you think about it these habitual behaviors are

our past—because we did them yesterday

present—we did them today

and future—we will do them tomorrow...unless we change.

I get it, routines are comfortable. Change is uncomfortable and discomfort is not a feeling we crave. But the best thing about discomfort is that it warrants a new way of thinking. It forces you to think differently. Why? Because the experience of discomfort is something your mind had not ‘planned’ for--it was not part of the ‘routine.’ Discomfort can bring new perspectives and remove the limiting beliefs you may have.If you feel enough discomfort, it can propel and motivate you to ‘do’ something out of the (your) ordinary.

I have done a lot of things that I am uncomfortable with, but I am grateful for the experience. My discomfort led me to creating this blog. My discomfort led me to thinking about my life differently. My discomfort led me to behave and experience life differently. As a result, my perspectives, reactions, and behavior have changed. But I did not get here by discomfort alone. Routines helped me navigate this new journey as well. I was and am diligent about my well-being, so I make sure I practice taking care of mind and body every day.

My desire to think, experience and have new feelings supersede the humdrum enigma of the daily routine.

With that said, what can you do differently to evoke a change in your daily routine that will help propel an exciting ‘new’ life for you? Give voice to your thoughts below!

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Squaremuse Team Squaremuse Team

Mainstream Disguise, Mainstream Strife, Everything Mainstream but Your Life

Dancing Women, Love and Wellness, Pure & Present

Humans do not fit into neat square boxes but the fear from deviating from the ‘norm’ can run deep for some of us. We are complex, different, and have idiosyncrasies that can drive each other mad. But that is what makes us unique. It makes us beautiful to be different from one another.

Our ‘image’ is typically established as children with our parents massaging and guiding that image into something palatable for their social circle and beyond. And as we develop into adults, we remain shackled to this ‘acceptable image.’ This ‘acceptable image’ is how we relate to others; we have ‘commonalities’ we can share. We also have similar strife’s: politics, religion, wealth, success etc. and we tend to bond over our commonalities and strife’s. But bonding over things that are not innately you, for the sake of fitting in, can cause discord within yourself.

This ‘acceptable image’ is what I call a mainstream disguise and this mainstream disguise can keep you trapped. Trapped in a life that does not align with your true essence. If you remain chained to this ‘acceptable image,’ how can you evolve into the person you were meant to be? Deviating from the norm will always raise eyebrows as people are not use to someone who is not trying to fit in. And instead of clapping for you they generally become judgmental. But keep in mind most people are not ‘evaluating’ their life; they are running through the motions on autopilot just trying to exist. Exist in a world that has defined this neat box of acceptability.

If most people are not evaluating their lives, why does it matter what they think about yours?

There will always be critics no matter how kind you are, how giving you are, how quiet you are, how loud you are, how friendly you are, how rude you are, how different you are and even if you fit in. So again, why does it matter what other people think?

Deviating from this ‘acceptable image’ might be unsettling to some but YOU can find happiness and freedom in discovering who you are, what is meaningful for you, your interests, what gives you purpose and what inspires you.
Recreate yourself. Learn something new. Create new habits. Try a new routine. Do something unpredictable. Meet new people. There are so many options to discovering who you are meant to be that the possibilities are endless. You can evolve. Evolve into a well-rounded individual with new thoughts, new behaviors, and a new way of living your life.

Unchain yourself from this image and step out of the rat race that everyone else is vying for--AM I MORE ACCEPTABLE THAN THE NEXT--and step into your own lane. You will always win in your own lane as the only person you are competing with is the person you were yesterday.

For clarity I am advocating for you finding out what energizes you and what makes you tick. And let this become your new image. Not the image someone else created for you or the image for which you were conditioned.

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Squaremuse Team Squaremuse Team

Earth’s RideShare-We are just along for the ride

Person Looking Up at the Milky Way Galaxy, Peace Love and Happy, Pure & Present

In the immensity of time, we are only here for a fraction of Earth’s life. Thus, our existence is only on this planet for a fraction of a second. If we look at our lives from this lens does your life and what you are doing resonate differently for you?

The things you worry about, the things you are fearful of, the things you are frantic about, the things you are angry at, the things that torment you, the things that make you feel like you are on the precipice of hell—will they matter tomorrow, a year or five years from now?

A situation without thoughts is just a situation. Your thoughts about the situation are what creates your feelings. Being aware of how you feel in the moment is important. Your feelings send you signals of what ignites you and what does not. But you should also be mindful that your feelings ALWAYS pass. They are temporary and thus should be used as guides. Knowing this, would you continue to dwell over something that is not going to matter in the future or would you rather navigate to things that bring joy.

Entertaining things, ideas, connections, and people that do not serve you is a waste of ‘your fraction of a second.’ Lending credence to negative thoughts and feelings is a waste of ‘your fraction of a second.’Our existence is finite and who and what you spend your time on and give your energy to is paramount to your quality of life.

Surround yourself with people who inspire you

Who respect and embrace your differences, who help you when you need help and who love you even when you are trying their patience. Find things that make you happy; first winter snow, time at the beach, tasty food, biking, hiking, watching the sunset. Open yourself to the abundance of possibilities that life has to offer; creating a new reality, realized potential, living your dreams, and embracing change.

Choosing not to change is choosing to stay committed to right where you are. And if you are choosing to stay committed to your current life offerings and existence and this brings you happiness. Clap Clap. You have arrived to where many of us hope to be. But if you are unfulfilled in some way, it is time to remove the chains of mediocrity and propel yourself to a new reality.

STOP settling. Settling for the tolerable relationships, jobs, people, and activities. This is where your comfort zone is and where you feel safe. But settling will keep you stuck, and your passions will continue to thrive only in your imagination. The things you imagine could be your new reality with mental clarity and focus. Curate your life, the people, relationships, jobs, activities, in a way that ignites you and gives you purpose. This is how you find fulfillment, joy, and happiness. Each day is a new day and hence a new beginning to create a new reality.

The earth will keep evolving with or without us. We are just here for the ride. So how do you want to spend your ‘fraction of a second’ on this planet? Give voice to your thoughts below!

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