What is Your Legacy?

Optimistic grateful joyful and radiate allows for a person worth remembering

WHY are you struggling when you don’t have to? Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have it all, while others struggle to get by? Why some people attract love, happiness, and success, while others repel them? The answer is simple: BIG ENERGY (in the name of Beyonce). The energy you put into this world is the energy you receive back. If you want to attract positive things into your life, you need to be a source of positive energy yourself. That’s the only way it works.

When you are optimistic, grateful, and joyful, you radiate a high-frequency vibration that aligns with the same frequency of the universe. You become a magnet for opportunities, synchronicities, and miracles. You also attract people who share your positive outlook and support your growth. On the other hand, when you are pessimistic, resentful, and miserable, you emit a low-frequency vibration that attracts more negativity and challenges. You also repel people who could otherwise enrich your life. So, let’s leave those negative vibes behind.

Let gratitude be a force of nature like El Niño. When you focus on what you have, rather than what you lack, you activate the law of attraction. You acknowledge the abundance that already exists in your life and invite more of it. You also develop a mindset of gratitude and generosity that makes you happier and more fulfilled. On the other hand, when you focus on what you don't have you create a scarcity mentality. You feel like there is never enough and that you have to compete for everything. You also develop a mindset of fear and greed that makes you unhappy and dissatisfied. And it deserves reiteration that this mindset REPELS people. So, let’s focus on abundance instead.

Valuing oneself is another crucial aspect of BIG ENERGY. People often seek value in others; it’s human nature. So, when you value yourself, you attract people who value you too. You respect yourself, set healthy boundaries, and express your needs and desires. You also respect others, appreciate their differences, and support their goals. You create meaningful relationships based on mutual trust, understanding, and love. Contrarily, when you don't value yourself, you attract people who DO NOT value you either. You disrespect yourself, let others cross your limits, and suppress your feelings and opinions. You also disrespect others, judge their choices, and undermine their achievements. You create toxic relationships based on manipulation, conflict, and resentment. And if it’s not obvious yet, this REPELS people.

By pursuing your passions, you align with your purpose and potential. You feel inspired, motivated, and fulfilled by doing what you love and making a positive impact. You also inspire others to follow their dreams and make a difference. You create a legacy of excellence and contribution. On the other hand, when you neglect your passions, you disconnect from your inner essence and potential. You feel bored, frustrated, and dissatisfied by doing what you don't love and making no impact. You also discourage others from pursuing their passions and making a difference. You create a legacy of mediocrity and indifference.

Finally, recognizing our worth beyond material possessions cultivates inner peace and happiness. You realize that your true value comes from who you are, not what you have or do. You also appreciate the intangible things that make life meaningful, such as love, joy, wisdom, and spirituality. You create a life of harmony and fulfillment. On the other hand, when you base your worth on material things, you create inner turmoil and unhappiness. You believe that your value depends on what you have or do, not who you are. You also neglect the intangible things that make life meaningful, such as love, joy, wisdom, and spirituality and this leads to a life of chaos and emptiness.

By being the BIG ENERGY you want to attract it’s not only possible but essential for living a happy and successful life. By radiating positivity, abundance, value, passion, and worth, you attract more of the same into your life. You also become a source of inspiration and empowerment for others who want to do the same. Who doesn’t want that legacy ;o)?

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