Time to Open the Door to Discomfort

Tired yet? Tired of your situation, your habits, your daily routine? Tired of being unfit, your relationship or your job? Have you had multiple days where you are annoyed, stressed, moody or just downright bored? I would ask what have you done to change your circumstances? Nothing maybe--you just keep scrolling your feed on Insta or TikTok. Maybe watch a Netflix movie. Or fuck it all together and just take a nap.

Change in your life cannot happen when you are comfortable with the status quo. If you find yourself annoyed, stressed, or having other unwanted feelings (often) then you should strive to change your circumstances. If there is no desire or willingness to change then you will remain right where you are--in the same situations, routine, relationships, job etc. until you decide it is time to evolve.

And I get it, change requires effort. It requires us to be uncomfortable. Hence, we often avoid making the leap to change. We enjoy our comfort. We enjoy the depth of that comfort because it is predictable. It’s SAFE. But in that comfort lies repetition. You get to live the rest of your life on repeat. Have you ever written down what your day is like? Week? Month? See any trends?

You will get to experience that annoyance, stress, moodiness, or boredom until you decide to evolve. Where will you end up if you decide not to change? How will your life unfold?

There is greatness behind the dark corners of discomfort. Discomfort propels us. While making a change may be uncomfortable you can transform your life in a progressive way. The leap can alter your life significantly depending on the circumstances. Deciding to move forward and change requires a mind shift. Your desire to achieve your goal must be stronger than your desire to stay right where you are.

This mind shift requires proactiveness. It requires you to push past the resistance and laziness. This can be quite daunting for some people, and others are just not up for it because they aren’t tired of their own bullshit yet.

Let the idea of wanting your life to unfold differently propel you. Let this be your motivation for change. The motivation must come from within you. If your motivation is from an outside source, it will not last because it is not your own. You do not truly possess the desire. You looked to someone else who DID have the desire and decided ‘yeah, that sounds good, or I can do that.’ As soon as that source is no longer a source will you continue to move forward with your change? Internal motivation is a driver for change. YOU must want this. You must want a different plan and a different life for yourself. No one else can do this for you. Can others inspire you? Sure! Can you get motivated with others? Absolutely! But the idea to change must come from within you; otherwise, your commitment will be gone as soon as that source for motivation is gone.

True motivation lies within you. Surround yourself with those who are living out the things you want to achieve. This will further your will to change.

I am on a path to seek adventure. I want to paraglide (with an instructor and at the lowest altitude), ride a motorcycle along the coast, go white water rafting, bungee jumping in Bali, walk the Camino de Santiago with my friend (although I told her I am only willing to do half of it). I want this adventure in my life, but my life will not unfold this way unless I’m driven enough to make the change.


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Embrace the Power of No and Yes


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