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Tips to Help Sleep Peacefully

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Sleep is essentially--a true non-negotiable for everyone. Getting enough sleep has many benefits which include improved energy (think of a midday power nap), improved immunity and decreased levels of inflammation. Below are tips that will help you improve your sleep and get the most peaceful night possible.

Essential Oils
There are different oils that can aid in a good night’s rest. Finding an oil or combination of oils will vary person to person. You can use the oil two separate ways: topical or oil diffuser. If you choose topical, always dilute the oil first with a carrier oil like almond or jojoba oil. And place the oil on the soles of your feet or back of your neck. Good oil choices include Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Clary Sage, Sandalwood and Vetiver. This is not an all-inclusive list. There are more that can achieve a peaceful night’s rest. Explore oils that work best for you and your body chemistry.

Foods that Boost Melatonin
Certain foods can boost melatonin in your body that can aid in restful sleep. This includes walnuts, cherries, tart cherry juice (my fav!), eggs, beans, chicken, turkey, salmon. Again, not an exhaustive list but a good start to boost the melatonin in your body.

Avoid Sleep Disruptors
Caffeine, Alcohol, Sugar, Blue-Light, NSAIDs (yes). Now I know these things are important to many so let us clarify.

  • Caffeine-is a stimulant and can suppress melatonin. Avoid later in the day if you have trouble sleeping.

  • Alcohol-while many people find that alcohol makes them sleepy. Alcohol can lower sleep quality causing you to wake since it does have a diuretic effect.

  • Sugar-the highs and lows that sugars provide can lead into the night causing restlessness.

  • Blue-light-can trick your brain into thinking it is daytime and thus suppress melatonin production. So, avoid the computers, phones, and TV’s at least an hour before bedtime.

  • NSAIDs-can decrease your melatonin production thus making it harder to fall asleep.

You should avoid these items later in the day as they can disrupt your sleep.

Having a nightly ritual to wind-down is a wonderful way to relax. My nightly routine includes a soothing bath. But you can also engage in restorative yoga, drink relaxing chamomile tea, or listen to a calming music playlist.

Sunlight Exposure
Getting sunlight exposure during the day helps to regulate your circadian rhythm. Without getting too scientific your body is on an internal clock. And your body uses light and other signals to decipher between day and night. Your circadian rhythms regulate the production of different hormones throughout the day, and this includes the release of melatonin.

After a good night’s rest

You should feel refreshed with renewed vigor. Quality sleep is extremely important to our overall health. Once you find a routine that works well for you, not only should you feel rejuvenated, but your body and mind will thank you as well!